Monday, August 5, 2013

It's Vacation Time for this Blogger!

Part of my vintage Canadiana collection
Yes, it's time once again for this blogger to take a break for a week as I am now officially on vacation. Although I'll still be in the area for most of the week, the spouse and I will sneak in a quick trip to Canada (her native country) for a few days to see the Falls.

Niagara Falls is one of those places I never tire of. It's practically a religious experience to gaze at the Falls. Plus, there's a lot of fun things to do on Clifton Hill, eh?

We also stock up on Canadian groceries while we're there too (such as Billy Bee Honey, Kraft Peanut Butter and peameal bacon). Sometimes the U. S. Customs agents think we just went up there to go to the Metro grocery store.

(A couple of years ago, they searched our car thoroughly and saw the several jars of Kraft Peanut Butter – the spouse's favorite – in our trunk. "Don't they have peanut butter where you live?" one of them sneered. "Not with teddy bears on the label," I cheerfully replied. I'm lucky I didn't get strip-searched!)

Anyway, please stop back in a week when I resume my normal blogging schedule.