Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Duskey Brothers Grand Opening Ad – May 11, 1955

Here's an ad announcing the new Pure Oil service station opened by the Duskey Brothers at 19th and Broadway. It ran in the Lorain Journal on May 11, 1955.

There's those ubiquitous free glasses again. Remember them from this similar promotion for Bill Thomas Service?

Too bad gas stations don't give away anything anymore. In fact, you're lucky if they give you a receipt at the pump after you've filled your tank!

Anyways, here's a shot of the former service station at 19th and Broadway as it looked last year (below).


  1. My Father, Raymond Pawlowski Worked at Duskey's forever, Even I worked for Ed & Walter (Mr Duskey) as we were taught, during the early 70's mowing grass, sweeping floors and clenaing display cases. It was a very interesting place! From the bus trips to the New Years eve parties in the back room. You don't find businesses like this anymore.

  2. We lived just down 19th Street from Duskey's, and us kids would always buy pop and chips there. Even when I was older, Ed Duskey would always greet me with a hearty, "hi'ya, m'boy!"
