Thursday, May 16, 2013

Amber Oaks Grand Opening Ad - May 16, 1963

Here's the full-page ad announcing the May 17, 1963 Grand Opening of Sheffield Lake's venerable Amber Oaks restaurant. The ad ran in The Journal on Thursday, May 16 1963 – exactly 50 years ago today (and on a Thursday too).

I'm glad that these big grand opening ads were the trend back then. They sure make it easy for amateur historians to nail down dates, and find out the names of builders and suppliers.
I love the Cinerama-style typography for the Amber Oaks name.

Anyway, I'm very happy that the restaurant is still around. Although I haven't been there lately, for many years it was the special occasion place for the spouse and me (I really loved the seafood platter).

Here's hoping Amber Oaks is around for another 50 years!

Tomorrow: More Amber Oaks fun

1 comment:

  1. The folded Amber Oaks graphic immediately reminded me of
