Friday, April 5, 2013

Wild West Firewater

Do you remember Wild West Firewater?

I've got to admit, I'd never heard of this soft drink until I saw it mentioned in Allen W. Ashbolt's reminisce about his father's company, World Trade Inc., and the various soft drinks it produced in Lorain.

I found a little bit of information about the brand online on one of those trademark websites. Apparently the name was registered with the United States Patent Office in 1976.

And I was pleasantly surprised to see a Wild West Firewater can for sale on Ebay right now (above).

As for its flavor, the can says it was a flaming red soft drink, so it must have been cherry-flavored. So I'm assuming it was positioned as a competitor to Cherikee Red (which by the way is still available in Ohio and Pennsylvania ).

I sure like the design of the label.


  1. I've been trying to find info on Wild West Firewater for a while. I remember having in the late 70's/early 80's and don't recall it being cherry but I could be wrong. If my memory serves me It was like a super spicy ginger ale. We drank it out of the can on camping trips and I had forgotten it being red but remember the can.

  2. I think it was a strawberry cinnamon flavor, and yes it was red.

  3. It was cinnamon-flavored (don't remember it being strawberry at all), and it was STRONG. I had it once on a camping trip back in the '70s; never again.

  4. The flavor was similar to a cinammon cola with a general slight fruity flavor and yes it was red and had a kick to it. I found it in a little mom and pop grocery store back in 1979 for a month and bought all they had but couldn't ever get any again. To this day it is my favorite soda and I am now 64 yo.
