Friday, April 12, 2013

The "Best Ever" Oh Boy

Have you ever eaten something and decided that whatever it was (a steak, a salad, a pizza, etc.), it was the best you'd ever tasted?

The spouse and I do that a lot. A few years after we got married, we travelled to Connecticut for a wedding and while we were there, we had some bagels that we still talk about more than twenty years later.

I guess when you hit middle age, you start to reminisce about food – oh well.

Here's another example, closer to home. In the mid-1990s we bought some glazed fried cakes at Bob's Donuts on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and they were hands-down the very best donuts we ever had – anywhere. They were warm, and the sugary glazed coating didn't shatter when you bit into them. We still talk about those too.

So now, whenever the spouse and I eat something really, really good, we joke about adding it to this running list of "the best ever." And I usually add, "I might as well never eat another one, because it'll never be as good as this one."

Which brings me to the latest addition to this "best ever" list.

Last weekend the spouse and I stopped in at Midway Oh Boy. It'd been a while since we were there.

While I was enjoying my Oh Boy (we sat on stools at the counter since the booths were all full), I sensed something different. Now, to me Oh Boys are always good – some better than others – but this one was fantastic. The twin patties were cooked to perfection; slightly pink inside and literally melt-in-your-mouth delicious with plenty of Oh Boy secret sauce.

My Oh Boy was so good I had to flag down a longtime employee and pepper her with questions: Why is this Oh Boy so fantastic? What did you do differently? Is it just my aging taste buds?

She smiled and explained that they had changed their meat supplier and were now serving an even better quality of meat, delivered fresh daily from Amish country.

Needless to say, that Oh Boy was added to the "best ever" list.

But perish the thought that I would never eat another one lest it not measure up to the last one. I intend to keep on eating Oh Boys and looking for the next "best one ever."

Do you have a "best ever" food experience? If so, please leave a comment and tell me about it!


  1. good morning!!!! ventruing out to elyria, in my teen years the family would head to elyria and go to Hazel's Family Restaurant located on cleveland st. the food was amazing and cheap!!!the thing that stuck out the most would be thier jalapeno poppers are the best in the area. due to my job i havent been their in years some nights i lay in bed and my mouth waters thinking of those fried jalapeno poppers fried to perfection and the cheese is to die for..... hazels cheap good and amazing

  2. Years ago we were visiting Niagra Falls and looking for someplace to eat dinner. We wound up in Little Italy in Buffalo and went into a little place called Michael's. Just a little italian restaurant, italian not because of some corporate marketing decision, but because the people who owned it and worked there were italians. Yuppies on inner-city safari would have called it 'quaint' because of the red and white tablecloths and other authentic touches-- but this was the real article, not some cute faux italian place. You had to scrape the dried marinara sauce off the menus with your fingernails to read them. And on the menu was something called a deep-fried Calzone. Deep Fried! I got one with italian sausage, onions and mushrooms, my wife got the pepperoni. It was huge, dripping with cheese and hot grease, and I kept eating until it was gone, way past the point where I was full. It was not only the best Calzone I ever ate, it was probably the best food item I ever had in my life. My stomach is grumbling now thinking about it. My wife couldn't finish hers, and took it out in a box. She forgot about it until a couple of days later, sitting in the back of the van, and then begged me to tell her that it hadn't been sitting out too long for human consumption. I couldn't give her my blessing on that one. She still mourns that forgotten deep-fried half of a Calzone.

  3. We too ate at the Midway Oh Boy not long ago. We went on a Sunday so we could eat the Stuffed Cabbage dinner which is very good, especially for its price. I can also suggest for those of us who live further east to try the Little Polish Diner for stuffed cabbage and pierogies. But, also I do enjoy the Texas Burger or Pizza Burger and a cold Root Beer at Dog N Suds on a hot summer day when they are open.

  4. Yala's Pizza. Have eaten pizza everywhere and have never found anything close to it.

  5. The best food I've ever eaten is served at the Texas Cafe and Pie Pantry, right here in Whitney. Not only is everything excellent, but the portions are huge, the staff friendly, and the prices affordable- the most expensive item is the Rib-Eye Steak Dinner for $21.95.

    Best fast food-Whattaburger; huge burgers, great fries, the whole menu is luscious.
