Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Goodbye A.K.H.S. Band Room

The view this past Saturday morning
For all of you out-of-state ex-Lorainites that read this blog (especially the Texas Brady contingent), the demolition of the former Admiral King High School began last week.

You can read about it here and here.

I drove over there this past sunny Saturday morning to take a gander through the fence. Naturally, they decided to knock down the band room first. It's sad to see it all torn up.

Anyway, it'll be very melancholy indeed to see the whole building eventually leveled. I don't think the controversy of abandoning the Admiral Ernest J. King name will ever be put to rest.

Could anyone watching the pomp of the dedication ceremony in October 1961 (below) have imagined that in slightly more than 50 years, the building, the name and a big chunk of Lorain's Naval heritage would be gone?

Photo courtesy of the Black River Historical Society


  1. I wish could have gone into the band room once more. The last time I was in there was 1998. My wife and I went to visit Mr. Spruill.....that was fun!! It was like I had never left. Lots of good memories are from that room. I sometimes wish I could re-live one more marching into the band room.....through the drummers lining the sides of the entry walk way.....and then when we were all in....the sound.....the!!!

    Jeff Rash

  2. Jerry A. McCoy AKHS '76March 14, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    "...the values we established here will make our memories ever dear."

  3. As a Lorain High Titan student (don't hate us, and also don't believe that the majority of us voted for that, the district had that picked out before we even got the ballot to vote on), and in the band, everyone agreed to try to combine the Southview and LAK band traditions as best as possible. But no one seems to mention the original Lorain High School -- we don't understand why. We are most likely turning the original Lorain High School alma mater into a secondary fight song, similar to what OSU does.
