Thursday, February 21, 2013

Whose birthday is Feb. 22nd, anyway?

Feb. 22nd is tomorrow, and all this time I thought it was George Washington's birthday. But according to the above theater ad for the Palace, which ran in the Lorain Journal on Feb. 20, 1957, it's really Porky Pig's birthday.

The ad promoted the upcoming birthday party on Feb. 22nd for the beloved Warner Brothers cartoon pig. (Hey, look! "Leghorn Foghorn" is going to be at the party!)
On Feb. 21, 1957 the below ad ran to "drum up" even more enthusiasm for the festivities.
What's interesting to me is that George Washington's actual birthday was a real holiday back then, and consequently there was no school. I think that was a better way to honor our first president, instead of a Monday off in honor of all the presidents, whether they were great – or bums.

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