Monday, February 18, 2013

Now You See Them...

I was driving around this past Saturday morning with my camera since it was sunny (for a little while at least.) I ended up over by my Alma Mater, the former Admiral King High School. Its date with the demolition crew is any day now, so these are probably the last photos I'll ever take of the place before it's just a steaming pile of rubble. (Click on each for a larger, "You Are There" view.)

Very sad seeing it all stripped and plundered.

Also on Saturday, I read in the Morning Journal (here) that, "Lorain City Council will consider hiring a consultant who would plan asbestos removal and tear down of the oldest section of the St. Joseph hospital, 205 W. 20th St., which has frontage along Broadway."

So I headed over to St. Joe's for a shot. I'm guessing that the article was talking about this part (below).

In that same Saturday paper, at the bottom of an article about the new high school, was a small blurb. It read, "As part of the district’s overall demolition plan, Masson School, 800 W. 40th St., is the district’s next target. Bidding on the demolition and asbestos abatement is expected by March or April."

Ah, in a few years there will be very little left of the Lorain that so many of us remember.


  1. And the city will be the worse for it.

  2. I went to AKHS, Masson and was born in that section of St. Joseph.
    Thanks for making me feel crappier than I already feel (post-flu recovery) having read this!

  3. Sad to see it gone. I went to Sandusky High, and have fond memories of AKHS when visiting for sports.
