Friday, December 21, 2012

Ohio Theater Ad December 23, 1961

Here's a December 23, 1961 Journal ad showing what was playing at the Ohio Theater around the holidays – House of Fright (a 1961 Hammer horror film), Black Sunday (a 1960 Italian gothic horror film filled with violence and mayhem) and Santa Claus (a bizarre 1959 Mexican production.) True family holiday fare!

That sure looks like Michael Jackson in that Black Sunday ad.

The heavily-dubbed Santa Claus movie is probably the strangest and most incoherent holiday feature ever produced. The plot – if you want to call it that – consists of Lucifer sending one of his horned demons to Earth to corrupt the children and turn them against Santa Claus.

Yes, there's nothing like a Christmas movie featuring an extended scene in a fiery Hades to put you in the holiday mood!

Although I remember seeing commercials for it on TV, I'm sure glad my parents didn't drag my siblings and me to see this in the theater – I'd probably still be having nightmares about it!


  1. I am really enjoying your blog. I grew up in Vermilion in the 1070's and 80's, so there are some great memories here. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Daniel! Glad you're enjoying the blog and thanks for your kind words!
