Monday, December 17, 2012

Lighthouse Shuts Down For Season - December 1955

The Lorain Lighthouse is the very symbol of Lorain. It's hard to believe that the Coast Guard was planning to demolish it at one point in the 1960s after it was no longer in use. (For a nice history of the lighthouse, click here.)

Since the Lorain Lighthouse has been "retired" for decades, I thought the below article which appeared in the December 23, 1955 Lorain Journal was kind of interesting. It takes us back to the days when the lighthouse was manned, and was closed up for the winter once the shipping season was over.

Lighthouse Shuts Down For Season

The Lorain Lighthouse ceased operations after the last ship was to enter Lorain harbor for the winter today to officially end the 1955 shipping season.

Chief Boatswain's Mate Wilbur W. Dowe, head of the U.S. Coast Guard station in the East Side, said both keepers of the lighthouse were brought ashore before noon after spending two days on winter preparation.

THE LIGHTHOUSE keepers are James R. Foster, engineman, third class, of Rocky River, who was in charge, and his assistant Seaman Gordon K. McCartney, of 2465 Homewood Dr.

Meanwhile, the oil tanker Rockett, operated by Cleveland Tankers, Inc., was scheduled to arrive in Lorain harbor this afternoon for routine repairs and winter lay-up.

CHIEF DOWE said the Rockett was to be the last ship to enter the local harbor this season.

Foster and McCartney shut off the 13,000 candlepower electric revolving light in the lighthouse for the last time this season early this morning.

The Rockett will be the 13th lake ship to lay up for the winter along Black River in Lorain.

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