Friday, November 23, 2012

Welch's Sports Christmas Ad – Nov. 27, 1958

To put you in the Christmas spirit on this busiest shopping day of the year, here's a vintage ad for Welch's Sports from the pages of the November 27, 1958 Lorain Journal. (Here's the 1959 version of the ad.)

I love the look on Santa's face. Is that the face of unbridled glee? Or the look of a "deer in the headlights" as he surprises an armed citizen in his home?

As I mentioned before, I've been a member of the NRA since the 1990s – so I don't have a problem with this ad. And hunting is actually growing in popularity, so maybe this kind of ad will make a comeback.

My dentist is an avid hunter, and he even gave us some venison this year, which we cooked up a few weeks ago. We stuck it in the crock pot with some soy sauce and man, was that good.

1 comment:

  1. If you get this?

    Saturday, June 07, 2014
    The Coming Crash in Ammunition Prices
