Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sheffield Lake's World War II Monument

Did you know that Sheffield Lake (my current home) has a war memorial?

I didn't either, until I saw a tiny mention of it in an April 1958 Lorain Journal "Our Town" photo spread featuring Sheffield Lake. A small photo (at left) was accompanied by a short caption that read, "Hidden from the main thoroughfare of the village stands a memorial to those of Sheffield Lake who served their country in World War II. It was erected at Hawthorne and Howell streets through contributions from villagers."

The monument was dedicated in 1945 and is located just west of the Shoreway Shopping Center in a small plot of land just south of the old right-of-way of the Lake Shore Electric Railway. The monument is surrounded by a small fence.

It's actually a nice little park.

The monument itself is in pretty good shape despite 67 years worth of exposure to the brutal winds off nearby Lake Erie.

Kudos to the City of Sheffield Lake for making sure the monument grounds are always well-maintained. Here's hoping that the Sheffield - Sheffield Lake Schools include an annual short field trip to this monument to show appreciation for the local veterans and instill a sense of community pride.

1 comment:

  1. Looks very similar to the one in Lakeview Park that Admiral King dedicated
