Monday, November 12, 2012

Eric Barnes' Heroes Walk Dedication

Rev. Doug Horner delivers the prayer at the dedication of the Eric Barnes' Heroes Walk
This was the scene (above) down at Settler's Watch on Veterans Day yesterday for the dedication of the Eric Barnes' Heroes Walk. The warm weather made for a great turnout.

Here's the link to the Morning Journal's story.

My old Admiral King High School Band pal Rev. Doug Horner of St. Paul's Community Church in Cleveland delivered a thoughtful opening prayer, followed by a moment of silence in honor of the local soldiers killed in the line of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Each of the fallen soldiers has a small landscaped garden spot along the Walk, as well as a bench, so visitors can rest and reflect.

The memorial garden for Rev. Doug Horner's brother, Army 1st Sgt. Bruce Horner is directly across from Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King's birthplace on Hamilton.

The Eric Barnes' Heroes Walk, Settler's Watch and the Admiral Ernest J. King Tribute Site all combine to make a wonderful park that is a fine addition to Lorain County's many memorials dedicated to its veterans.


  1. Thank you Dan for everything you did to make this project happen Loraine

  2. Thank YOU, Loraine and your partners for making the Heroes Walk and the whole lakefront memorial park down there a reality! Lorain is a better place because of you and your ability to lead the way as well as coordinate things with the City and the other caring organizations & volunteers.
