Friday, October 26, 2012

Remember Kreskin's ESP Game?

I was driving downtown over the weekend and noticed that Kreskin is appearing at the Palace on October 27. That's kind of cool that the Palace booked the famed magician and mentalist for an event right around Halloween.

Image courtesy of The Strong website
Right away it brought back memories of a childhood game we had: Kreskin's ESP. For some reason, my siblings and I had a lot of creepy games such as Ka-Bala, Green Ghost, and, of course, our Ouija board (shudder) – so the Kreskin game fit right in.

The Kreskin's ESP game was supposed to help you determine if you had E.S.P. But after looking at the various components of the game on this website, I remembered why we didn't play it too much. It was too confusing!

But we did enjoy swinging the pendulum back and forth while saying, "You are getting sleeeeeepy...." Then we probably lost interest and reached for the Monopoly board.

Anyway, here is the link to Kreskin's official website. And here's the link to the Lorain Palace Theater's site as well in case you're interested in information about the event.

1 comment:

  1. We had this game when I was kid and like you also found it confusing. I think my mom picked it up from one of the local thrift shops.
