Monday, October 22, 2012

Demo Update

Well, the demolition teams were busy in Lorain late last week – so the Brady Blog Camera Team (me) was out and about, capturing it all on film, er, uh.. on whatever it is you want to call that inside my camera.

Whittier has slowly begun to come down. Friday was appropriately grey and depressing.

The house on Ninth that I first mentioned back here is now a pile of rubble, an ignominious end to what was formerly a nice house decades ago. Too bad.

And the house at 904 Oberlin Avenue was knocked down as well (below).

Next up – 770 Broadway (below)!

I'll never understand why this building has to come down. Downtown Lorain already looks like a crooked smile with a bunch of teeth missing. Why get rid of a building that actually has some character?


  1. and they put up a parking lot - Lorain I have linked your Carnegie Library series this morning

  2. They're tearing down The Huddle? The SWINE!

  3. I continue to be APPALLED at the ignorance being displayed by Lorain city officials for their desire to demolish 770 Broadway!

  4. This I should preface was hearsay but I was reliably informed the building was compromised which is why it went from a good building to a candidate for demo in such a short time- again this is what I was "told" a tenant/owner removed some supporting walls in the upstairs as part of a remodel also put in a hot tub and a large airconditioning unit was removed which compromised the building and was then open to the elements.... could the outside of the building be saved with a new interior??? I don't know but it would take money and no one wants to spend it...... which is why you have the Broadway Building a National Historic Register Building encased in netting.........

  5. The rotten old building stench coming out of the old Ghoulardi's is so foul and overwhelming(some days) that it is hard to stand anywhere near the building. The water damage is evident just by looking at/thru the front windows. It's a shame that it has to come down, but it's way past time for the citizens to acknowledge that Lorain will never be what she used to be and get busy reinventing her.

  6. I'm astonished at how much of Lorain has disappeared in the ten years since I moved out of Ohio.
