Monday, September 24, 2012

Nickel Plate Railroad Depot Face-lift – Sept. 1949

Here's a nice reminder of the good old days when Lorain had a functioning train depot, and was a stop on the Nickel Plate Railroad.

The article ran in The Lorain Journal on Friday, Sept. 16, 1949 – 63 years ago this month – and was announcing that some ongoing improvements to the depot were almost complete. (Click on it for a larger, readable view.)

Shucks, they even got rid of the pot bellied stove.

Anyway, back here I featured a photo of the depot as it looked back in the mid-1980s.

I'm jealous when I see other local communities that still have their vintage train depots. It sure brings a city's history to life when a building that was so important to the community in its past is still standing today.

If you're interested in old Lorain County train depots, here is a link to a terrific website that features photos of both existing and long-gone structures in Ohio. It's organized by county and even tells you what railroad was affiliated with the station. It's a lot of fun (and if you like it – you can even donate via Paypal to keep it in operation).

1 comment:

  1. If you ever get to DC I'll be happy to show you our 1945 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station!
