Monday, August 6, 2012

Aerial View of Amherst - August 6, 1949

This caught my eye while looking at old microfilm in the Lorain Public Library.

It's an aerial view of Amherst that ran on the front page of the Lorain Journal on Saturday, August 6, 1949 – a mere 63 years ago today. It was photographed by Lorain Journal photographer William Ashbolt as part of a series.

At first glance, I thought, "Looks the same to me as it does now!"

Boy, was I wrong – guess I don't get to Amherst very much. Check out how much Amherst has changed since then (and how much has been paved over in the Downtown area) in this wider Bing Maps view. It's a shame so many of the homes (and trees) in the 1949 photo are gone.

1 comment:

  1. My hometown! I wish the photo was more clear, there are some long gone places I would love to see. It has changed drastically just in the last 10 years since I moved away, to say nothing of the last 60 years.
