Sunday, August 12, 2012

1965 South Dakota Vacation Revisited Part 1

1960s South Dakota Travel Brochure (courtesy Ebay)
Well, it's that time of year again – when I take a week off from work – and this blog as well!

And since I'm on vacation, the blog will take one as well from my usual subject matter (namely Lorain County). So if it's Lorain you want to read about, you might just want to stop back here in a week or so.

But until then, I'll present a few reminisces about a family vacation I'll never forget: our 1965 trip to South Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore. It was our first family vacation pulling a pop-up camper and in my mind, one of the best.

I hope you enjoy my little show-and-tell from that memorable 1965 trip.

Remember – part of growing up in Lorain meant leaving it for a while in the summer!

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