Friday, June 1, 2012

Rec Field Dedication May 1928

Yesterday I mentioned that the two Kratt brothers played for George Daniel, the longtime athletic coach and Supervisor of Physical Education for Lorain Schools for whom the stadium on Oberlin Avenue is named.

Well, before the stadium was named in his honor in June 1958, it was just a nameless recreation field on the outskirts of Lorain. On May 26, 1928 – a little over a year after Board of Education bought the land for it – the city was preparing to open the new stadium with a patriotic pageant.

Above is The Lorain Times-Herald spotlighting that upcoming event. (Give it a click so you can read it.) There's some other interesting articles on there as well, including a little boy who ran away from home 137 times!


  1. Don't forget the Fairhome May Day pageant! I'll bet that was quite the sight to see!

  2. And lol @ the 137x "champion" runaway. How could you let this kid out of your sight, especially after he disappeared for a year and then showed up in Alaska!
