Monday, June 18, 2012

The Honor Roll in Washington Park

Back in June 1964, Lorain was making plans to replace the aging Honor Roll that used to stand in Washington Park (now Veterans Memorial Park). That's a photo of it above by Journal photographer Norm Bergsma.

Dismantling of the Honor Roll - May 1967
(Courtesy Loraine Ritchey)
The short caption that accompanied the photo in the June 17, 1964 Lorain Journal read, "Bearing the names of Lorainites who died in the service of their nation during World War II and the Korean War, the Washington Park Honor Roll is rapidly deteriorating and in need of replacement. Anthony J. Murello, inspecting the Honor Roll, and Michael Repas, foreground, looking over proposed plans for a permanent memorial, are co-chairman of a committee of the Lorain Memorial Association which will present plans at a meeting of the association at 7 p.m. tomorrow at VFW Post 451 Hall, 112 E. 19th Street. The present Honor Roll was erected by the Lorain Moose Lodge. Others on the committee with Repas and Murello are Mrs. Peter J. Carp, president, American Gold Star Mothers; Andrew Gall, a retired U.S. Army colonel representing the Moose Lodge; Joseph Stejno, clerk of the Lorain Park Board, and Francis (Toto) Kovach, veterans leader. The association meeting will be followed by a session at 8 p.m. of the Lorain Veterans Council at the VFW Hall."

It would be another three years before the Honor Roll was finally dismantled and replaced with the 12 foot monument that still stands near the fountain in the park today. (I wrote about it here.)

Here's a few other pictures of the Honor Roll through the years. It's a shame that it was taken down; it seems like a much more personal memorial to the fallen.

Amvets Joseph Mihalik and Joseph Nemeth standing guard in front of the Honor Roll on Memorial Day 1951
(Courtesy Lorain Journal)
That's Mrs. Louis Sivinski (left) and Mrs. Joseph Mihalik standing guard on Memorial Day 1963
(Courtesy Lorain Journal)

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