Wednesday, May 23, 2012

When Dagmar came to Lorain

Over the years, I've read several books about the early days of television. It seems I just can't find enough worthless trivia to fill my skull.

Consequently, when I saw this ad in the May 26, 1962 Lorain Journal real estate section, I actually knew who Dagmar was. She was one of the earliest big TV stars – sort of a dumb blonde-type – who was featured on a show hosted by Jerry Lester called Broadway Open House (1950-52).

But what was Dagmar doing at a real open house – in 1962 – in Lorain, Ohio?

I'm afraid we'll never know the specifics that led to her appearance. All that exists besides the ad above is a tiny article in the same paper that explained, "Dagmar, star of television, personal appearances and night clubs, will appear in person Sunday at Kimberly Oaks, Grove Avenue and Fairless Drive, according to officials of The G & S Building Co. of Ohio, during the grand opening celebration of their newest model home. Dagmar is the original star of the Jerry Lester "Broadway Open House" Show, appearing regularly on the television show "Masquerade Party," and has appeared on the Jack Paar and Mike Douglas shows."

I looked for a follow-up article in the Journal without success to see how the open house went.

In my opinion, it was a very clever promotion for its time. (I'll have to ask Realtors Bill Latrany and Jenae Pavlich for their opinions!) I'm sure a lot of people went to the open house and feigned interest, just to see Dagmar. I wonder if she showed up?

If anyone has any recollection of this momentous event in Lorain real estate history, be sure to leave a comment!


  1. Can't find enough useless trivia? Have I got a site for you!

    I think I sent you this one already:

  2. Thanks, Lisa! This should have a great effect on my work productivity!

  3. I have only just today learned of Dagmar. She went from a cashier at a drug store to superstar by way of marriage to a Navy man stationed in New York. Her rise to fame speaks of the craziness that was show business in that era. Today, looking at the intersection indicated on the advert, no one would have any idea that such an event took place there. Dagmar eventually moved just west of Huntington, where she graduated high school, to Ceredo, WV to be close to her family. Truly, from appearing on the cover of Life magazine, cutting a song with Frank Sinatra, to an interview with Mike Wallace on his show, the life and times of Dagmar boggles the mind.
