Monday, April 16, 2012

Nickel Plate Restaurant

During the last few weeks, this blog has been hanging around the railroad tracks by the Golden Dragon just like Albert Rink and his buddies. Well before I get up and move on to other topics, here's yet another aspect to this story, kind of a 'then and then'.
Fellow history buff Drew Penfield recently sent me the photo below. It shows the former Golden Dragon building at 1120 Broadway in the early days, when it housed the Nickel Plate Restaurant. What a difference a coat of paint makes!

I dug a little bit at the library and believe that the time period of the photo is roughly 1924 or so. The 1924 directory was the only one that included the Nickel Plate Barber Shop (visible in the photo) next door at the 1122 Broadway address.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the Nickel Plate Restaurant (or Tavern) was succeeded at that location by the Golden Dragon in 1963.
Special thanks to Drew for providing the great picture.


  1. According to the sign over the door, they had tables for ladies.

  2. Good eyes, Dennis! I didn't even notice that the Gold Bond sign was for a beverage, not a powder!

  3. anything on firestones restaurant,next to the tivoli theatre,used to be sutters

  4. Hi Lenny!

    These two posts mention Firestone’s:
