Monday, April 2, 2012

Kutza's Pharmacy

Courtesy Jack Tiller
Jack Tiller has quite a collection of Lorain memorabilia. And luckily for us, he has been very happy to share it with us through this blog. He's sent me photos of his Lorain bottle collection, and came up with a photo of an Arvay's Potato Chip can when I needed it. And now he has turned his attention to a well-known Lorain pharmacy of the past: Kutza's Pharmacy.

He sent me the image above, in which he combined his collection of Kutza bottles and artifacts with a great image of the former building at 1302 Broadway. Nice work, Jack! (Jack is taking it easy after some surgery and I wish him well.)

This 1962 Kutza's ad (below) says that the company had been serving the Lorain area since 1907.

1962 phone book ad
The company disappeared from the city directory around 1967.

Here's Jack's beautiful shot of the building, which is just south of the Frank Nardini railroad underpass. The building appears to be the home of Haven Church Fellowship.

Courtesy Jack Tiller
Jack has sent me photos of some of his other Lorain collections as well, which I appreciate very much. Rest assured you will see them here. Thanks, Jack!

1 comment:

  1. Here is some history of that building that may add a bit to your efforts: A doctor had his offices upstairs of the Kutza Pharmacy, His name was Doctor A. J. Novello, at 1236 Broadway. He was the father of Don Novello, "Father Guido Sarducci" of Saturday Night Live notoriety.
    I also used to buy comics there in the very late fifties and early sixties. I wish I still had them, some of them were the original Spider Man and other Marvel Comics.
    Here is another bit of local history of that vicinity: just to the north across the street and a bit to the west was a small business called Popa's Poultry. This place had live chickens they would slaughter and pluck for you, as well as fresh eggs. I last walked there in the eighties (I live in Cleveland now) and there was only the foundation of Popa's Poultry left. Just to the south on the other side of the alley behind Kutza's behind where the fire station is now (It used to be Joe's Barber Shop; we lived upstairs)there used to be a barn with a horse. This was as recent as 1960-62.
