Thursday, March 1, 2012

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs...

After my post about the old Nationwide Theatrical Agency sign a few days ago, I received a nice email from longtime blog reader Raleigh.

Raleigh has helped me out in the past with some of his reminisces, and this time was no exception. His experience as an employee at the Ritter Sign Co. from 1974 - 1982 came in very handy.

"Looking at the National Theatrical Agency sign and photo, it was apparent to me that this sign had a former life," he noted. "It was common practice for a sign company to give new life to a once used sign by washing the paint from the inside of the plastic face and adding new copy to suit the new owner's needs. I think if you examine the sign closely, you will conclude, as I did, that this particular sign began life as a CANADA DRY sign."

By George, he's right! I can't believe I didn't recognize that distinctive shape, despite the fact that I buy Canada Dry once in a while.


Raleigh also told me a few stories about working at the Ritter Sign Co. One of his work assignments left a stinging memory.
"I remember working in Elyria doing a "7up the Uncola" sign a la Peter Max (that will date me, huh?) on a wall and fighting off the wasps that had a nest in the wall with entrances to the nest in holes in the mortar," he related. He remembers painting that wall, which was fifteen feet above the roof top below, while waiting for the next attack.
During his time at the Ritter Sign Company, Raleigh and a fellow employee re-painted the well-remembered WELCOME TO LORAIN billboard that was on Route 58 (Leavitt Road) opposite the Emerald Valley Golf Course. That's Mike Zatroch on the left and Raleigh on the right in the photo (at right) that originally appeared in the Lorain Journal.
I remember that sign well. It would get a new look and color scheme once in a while, but the message was always the same about Lorain being Ohio's 10th largest city. Of course the sign is gone now, as that area has been extensively developed.
Special thanks to Raleigh for sharing his reminisces!


  1. In a somewhat related matter, I wonder who put up the WELCOME TO LORAIN banner above Baumhart Road (on the railroad overpass). It blew off a few years ago, but it's sister sign, "THANK YOU For Visiting Lorain, Ohio-Gateway to Lake Erie" is still up when traveling southbound. I keep hoping to see it replaced. Was it a city project?

  2. The old old joke about the billboard posted at Niagara Falls stating emphatically:

