Friday, February 24, 2012

Dinner Bell Drive-in Sign

It's been a mild winter up here in Northern Ohio, and a few times during the last two months I had a bad case of Spring Fever.

Although the warm weather is still a few months away, it's nice to think of the fun associated with it. And for Lorain County residents, that might include a trip to one of our two vintage drive-ins – Dog 'n Suds (one of my favorite blog topics) and the Dinner Bell Drive-in.

Recently I found this article from the July 6, 1964 Lorain Journal, which tells the story behind the Dinner Bell Drive-in's original sign, and how it was manufactured by Swart Signs in Elyria. (Click on it for a closer look.) It sounds like the restaurant was pretty new at that point in time.

Although I've only eaten at the Dinner Bell Drive-in a few times over the years, I have to admire how long they've been in business and how loyal a clientele they must have. Whenever we pass it on the way to Midway Oh-Boy just down the street, there always seems to be a good crowd.

It's amazing how Lorain County has all these old-time drive-ins literally within a few minutes of each other.

Anyway, the Dinner Bell's sign has experienced some wear and tear over the years. The top part is newer, but it looks like the bottom half is still original, in this photo I shot last weekend.

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