Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What used to be in that building?

I've driven by this building at 1206 Reid Avenue for a long time, always wondering how long it had been there and what business it had housed. It's at the southwest corner of 12th Street and Reid Avenue, just south of the railroad tracks.

I kind of assumed it had been a gas station, but with the cute little cottage-like building on the right, I wasn't sure.

Anyway, using the city directories as a guide, it appears to have first shown up in the 1933 book as a Sunoco filling station.

In the 1937 book, the only name associated with the station was Leo S. Bransztet. The 1940 book had a new person associated with it: Walter L. Clites. Both of these listings had no brand name or oil company listed.

By 1942, it was back in the Bransztet family, listed as Paul Bransztet, again with no gasoline brand name.

In 1945 it was listed as vacant. Then in 1947, it was Ken & Phil's Gulf. (Lorain sure used to have a lot of Gulf stations!)

By 1950, it was listed as the Webb & Cavanaugh service station.

The only real surprise or interesting aspect of all this for me is the 1952 listing for this address: Zelek Flower Shop. I had no idea they used to be in there. Actually, without the gas pumps, the building looks like a flower shop!

Zelek Flower Shop was in there until about 1966 or '67, when they moved up the street to 1001 Reid. They are still located there today (here's a link to their website).

The 1206 Reid building went vacant for many years. Today, the building is home to A Clean Ride Car Wash, a car wash and detailing company. Here's a link to their Facebook page.


  1. i know who has that building now - they run a detail car wash there -

    1. Dan,
      A lot of gas stations used the cottage design.

      Check out this page.

