Monday, January 16, 2012

The View from 17th & Broadway - Then & Now

While scrounging around in the photo files of the Black River Historical Society this past Friday, I found this view of Broadway from about 17th Street looking north. (I think this area was formerly known as the Devil's Elbow because Broadway makes such a harsh dogleg as it heads north)

The photo caught my eye because the Mister S sign was visible in the distance. The photo was labeled as being from the late 1960's.

The SOHIO sign from Sharrock's Sohio Service gas station at 1628 Broadway is visible, although the station itself is hidden from view. Also seen at left is the Journey Bar, which was at 1652 Broadway.

The current shot from yesterday (below) reveals that several buildings are gone. (Click on it for an enlarged view.) The former service station is now visible, and the SOHIO sign post minus sign remains. Mister S is now Gyros & More. A few more buildings on the east side appear to be missing as well, because the Gel-Pak building stands out more prominently.


  1. It looks cold, Dan; we've been averaging highs of 60 or so.

  2. Hi Alan,

    Last Friday was the first real taste of winter up here by the lake. I had 6" of snow in my driveway, but it was still in the 20's temperature-wise.

  3. I believe the Mister S is where Gyros and more is now. I remember when that used to be called The Gyro House in the 80s and the sign looks similar to what they used then which I'm guessing was the repurposed Mister S sign.

  4. Hi Dan, I've updated my Mister S post on my blog. I found the location in Akron and Zanesville with articles and ads.

  5. Hi Scott,
    Thanks for the heads-up about your blog. Scott has a terrific post on Mister S that includes more history of the franchises, vintage restaurant photos and ads, and great “now” photos of former stores. You can visit this post on his blog here:
