Monday, January 2, 2012

On Area Movie Screens – January 2, 1958

Here's the movie section from the Lorain Journal showing what was playing on the local screens right after New Year's Day 1958. It's kind of an interesting look at a Hollywood in transition from the Golden Age to the modern era. (Give it a click and peruse it.)

It's a real mixed bag with something for everyone, young and old.

At the Ohio Theater, we find the Bowery Boys in Up in Smoke (their next-to-last movie). Jerry Lewis is the star of The Sad Sack (an early solo effort after the split with Dean Martin) at the Palace Theater, and Elvis Presley is featured in Jailhouse Rock (his third movie) at the Avon Lake Theater.

At the Dreamland, perennial box office favorite John Wayne stars in Jet Pilot, and Gary Cooper heads the cast of Friendly Persuasion being shown at the Lorain Theater. At the Grove Theater, Frank Sinatra and Mitzi Gaynor star in The Joker is Wild, and Mitzi was also one of Les Girls, which was showing at the Ohio Theater.

I love the strong typography used in these movie ads. It really makes each theater instantly recognizable.

It's kind of sad knowing that the current Lorain Palace Theatre is now the only place in town to see a movie. I used to patronize the Avon Lake Theater in the 1970s and 80s, and that's gone too.

I'm puzzled by a few things, though. Where was the listing for the Tivoli? And why was the Tower Drive-in open in frigid January? I'm guessing they provided some kind of heaters; does anyone remember?


  1. Noticed the ad in there for Vian's too!

  2. Yes-the Tower provided in-car heaters; dunno what was up with the Tivoli.
