Friday, January 6, 2012

From the E-Mailbag #7: Mister S

I recently received a very nice email from one of my old Admiral King High School Band-mates, Sue Slutzker, whose father (along with her uncle and some other relatives and partners) owned the Mister S Drive-In at 15th and Broadway.

(I first blogged about Mister S way back here in 2009.)

Sue filled me in on some of the background of the well-remembered restaurant with the distinctive rotating 'S' on its sign. She said that her father and his partners were involved with Mister S from 1964 through 1974. Her uncle and her cousin ran it.

"Since I was just a little kid when I'd go there, I always thought that Mr. S stood for Slutzker!" she laughs. "The only other one I knew about was on Lorain Rd. in N. Olmsted and the last time I saw it, it was a beverage store, but it was the same style building."

Sue has fond memories of the chicken served at the restaurant.

Growing up in Lorain as the daughter of one of the owners of Mister S had its perks. "My other great memory of Mr. S was that I always had a primo spot from which to watch any parade on Broadway."

But it had its drawbacks too.

"The flip side was that until I was 12, I was never allowed to go to McDonalds!"

Sue also mentioned that Mister S continued to have a presence in the Slutzker household long after her family's involvement with the restaurant ended. "I know for years in our house – even through the '80's – we were still using Mr. S order pads as scrap paper!"
Special thanks to Sue for sharing some of her memories of Mister S, a Lorain original.


  1. Mr. S had a promotion during the early 70's....if your register tape for your order had a star on it, your order was free. Back about '73, I was in there one afternoon, buying a burger, fries, and a Coke. there was a line of people, so I let a woman behind me get in front.

    Wouldn't ya know? She, AND the guy behind me, had stars on their reciepts.

    The only other Mister S I've ever seen was in Omaha, Nebraska. There's no Google listing for the fast food chain; the only listing for "Mister S" is for a shop that sells bondage gear.

  2. What was the restaurant near the new police station in Elyria in the curve of the road. Its been boarded up for sometime. Anybody?
