Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year's Eve Message – 1951

This illustration appeared on the front page of the Lorain Sunday News on Sunday, December 30, 1951 – 60 years ago. It appeared with the following message, which is just as timely and relevant now as it was in 1951.

"If 1952 is to be a happy year for the people of this community, it would be well for us all to study the past so that we can profit by our experience. Each of us should analyze his life, compare his life with others, and evaluate his understanding of right and wrong.

Most of the great religious leaders of our day tell us that happiness usually comes from hard work, sharing what we have with others, forgetting ourselves in working for some great cause, and by building character.

In wishing everyone in this community a happy new year, we do so in all sincerity, realizing that a happy citizen is generally one who has contributed greatly to the well-being of the community in which he lives."


Here's hoping that all of you enjoy a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Some change from today where "freedom" without any social responsibility seems to be the aim. Hope that changes soon.
    Happy New Year
