Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lakeside 10 Apartments, Then and Now

Keeping the lakefront apartment theme going...

Here's a vintage postcard of the former Lakeside 10 Apartments located right in my town, Sheffield Lake. (The postcard currently is listed on Ebay by Hogan's Postcards and Collectibles.)

The apartment building looks quite nice here and really evokes a feeling of the California lifestyle. But that battered Plain Dealer box in the lower left hand corner kind of wrecks the mood. (I wonder if that qualifies as product placement?)

The advertising slogan back then was "Elegant Living on Lake Erie Shores." Some of the amenities listed on the vintage postcard include a heated outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, putting green, indoor parking, a party house, saunas, whirlpool and exercise room, central air-conditioning and dishwashers.

Anyway, many people may not know that the Lakeside 10 Apartments were built on the site of the old Sheffield Lake City Hall, which was sold to a developer in 1967 for $20,000.

Lakeside 10 Apartments first showed up in the city directory in 1970 as being under construction, and in the 1971 book as its first real listing.

Today the name of the apartment complex is Erie Shore Landing. Here's a link to their website.

And here's the current view. The apartments still look quite impressive and modern.

At least the old Plain Dealer box is gone – but the tree on the right seems to have gone through a rough time since the days of the vintage postcard. The fence isn't looking so great either.


  1. This was the first modern high-rise apartment building that I ever visited as a kid. My long-time N. Hogan Circle neighbor Bill Barnes had moved into this with his daughter. I remember being amazed that you could look out their living room window and see the lake (I had to climb up on the roof of my parent's home to get a view of it)!

  2. Thanks for leaving your comment. I, was too a resident there and thought, "wow what a treat to have a lake view"! I moved into that building as a resident and shortly after became the manager. I had a business degree in finance, so was hired to watch over the already financially challenged high rise. I brought the building back financially but they sold anyway!

