Friday, December 9, 2011

1959 Deluca Bakery Christmas Ad

1959 newspaper ad
Here's another Lorain Journal ad from Christmastime 1959 (the year I was born), promoting holiday goodies prepared by well-known Lorain icon DeLuca Bakery. As I've mentioned before in this blog, we went to the branch on Oberlin Avenue in our neck of the woods, as opposed to the one on Reid.

It's too bad that it is so difficult for the family bakeries to survive in these times. The in-store bakeries in the locally-owned Apples grocery store are really good, with a lot of great, tasty items – but somehow it isn't the same as going into DeLuca's, Bob's Donuts, or Bill's Bakery.

There's something about going into a real bakery that can't be duplicated by a self-serve grocery store bakery. It's not only the aroma of fresh-baked items, but it's also the interaction with the people who actually baked the goods.

Every once in a while I do head up to Amherst to get something good from Kiedrowski's, or a fantastic pie from Mama Jo's. The stuff isn't cheap either, but both places are always busy.

Here's hoping that someday, Lorain can produce and support another full-service family-owned local bakery.

1 comment:

  1. -Alan here....

    I wonder if the DeLuca family still has their free Christmas Dinner at the Place In The Park every year.
