Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What used to be in that building?

While stopped at the light at 30th and Broadway this past Sunday, I looked straight ahead and saw this distinctive building that resembles an airplane hangar. What businesses were in that building over the years, I wondered – and what was it originally? Do you remember?

I had a vague idea that it was connected with cars, although I had no specific memory of it at all. A quick trip to the library answered my question.

The building at 2950 Broadway dates back to about 1950, when it was the home of Kunick Motor Sales. Within a few years, Vogt Oldsmobile was at that address.

Vogt continued at that location until around 1959, when it then became the home of Kaminski Oldsmobile. Here's a 1959 Lorain Phone Book ad.

However, Kaminski moved out after about two years (to its new location on Henderson Drive) and the address was taken over by Si Gary Dodge.

Si Gary Dodge stayed there the longest, lasting until around 1977. Then a variety of businesses took over the building, including Witter Ignition Inc. during the late 1970's and Top Shelf Auto Electric Clinic in the late 1980's.

The building was most recently the address of R.J. Stovicek & Associates, a landscaping firm.


  1. Been wondering about that building since I moved over here. Can see the back of it from an upstairs window. Thanks for the info.

  2. Did you find the address for Kunick Motor Sales in an ad or directory? Just curious, because I had found an address of 1622 Broadway. Perhaps that was their older address and the newer address was the one in your photo? I believe they were in business from at least 1947-1953.

  3. Years ago, I had a key chain connector that came with my dad's '57 Oldsmobile, purchased in HInckley, IL. It had "Vogt Oldsmobile" imprinted on the connector. Oh how I wish I could find it again!
