Monday, October 24, 2011

Mill Hollow in Autumn

Although the fall foliage has been a little disappointing up here by the lake, if you venture south a little bit it gets a little better. As usual, I headed down to Mill Hollow to see what was going on, and came back with a couple of shots.

I was lucky that the late afternoon sun gave the iconic Benjamin Bacon House (above) a nice golden glow. According to the Lorain County Metro Parks website, the house dates back to 1845. And I was surprised to read on the plaque out front (at left) that the house had only been open for tours since 1963.

Mill Hollow has been one of the favorite places in our family since it first opened. In the 1960's, it was there that my parents first introduced my siblings and me to camping, so it's still kind of a nostalgic shrine to me that I never get tired of visiting.

Ironically, though, for as many times as I've been to Mill Hollow in the last forty-some years, the Benjamin Bacon House Museum has never been open during my visit. It's almost kind of comical. One of these days, I'll get in there for a tour.

Anyway, there wasn't even a lot of great color down at Mill Hollow either. But it was great to get down there and drive around a bit.


  1. Not only the programs but the carriage house is also worth visiting. Pioneer Days are fun!

  2. -Alan....

    Mill Hollow was a favorite place when we were kids, and when we were older, many of our camping trips started there.

    Who else remembers the three-legged fox at the Nature Center?
