Thursday, October 27, 2011

Midway Mall 1966 Halloween Ad

Forty-five years ago, Midway Mall was still new, and here's a cute full-page ad for it that ran in The Journal on October 26, 1966. (Give it a click, although the annoying new Blogger viewer may not size it good enough for reading – for that you need to click on 'Show Original' within the viewer.)

The full-page promoted Midway Mall's Halloween festivities, which included a costume parade and contest for the kiddies, as well as cider and donuts.

I don't remember getting out to Midway Mall much as a kid in the 1960's. Downtown Lorain was still hanging on, and that's where my mother headed to shop on Saturday mornings with my brothers and I in tow for our trumpet lessons. O'Neil's (later replaced by May Company) was still around as well, and a much more convenient choice for shopping than going all the way out to the Mall. (The spouse and I still miss that May Company store.)

My mother's trips to Midway Mall were reserved for Saturday afternoon and, mercifully, my brothers and I didn't have to go shopping too often. Midway Mall wasn't really of interest to me until I began dating, and that's when the Mall's twin theaters came in handy.

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