Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stevan Dohanos House Mystery – Solved! Part 3

So where was the Dohanos house on First Street? Was the house number (above) on the painting accurate? After some research, I can say that it doesn't look like it.

I did a little digging at the library in the few available Lorain City Directories from the early 1900's. The Dohanos family – listed in the 1905 directory as 'Andy and Lizzie Dohanas' – lived at 111 Lake.

Lake was later renamed 'First  Street' and appeared that way in the 1912 directory. But by then, the Dohanos family had moved – and the house was being rented.

But there was one family that lived on First Street that appeared in both the 1905 and 1912 directories: Joseph Majesie Sr. So, his 117 Lake address = 501 First Street.

In 1912, there were only 4 houses with addresses on First Street between Broadway and Washington Avenue: 211, 501, 701 and 803. So it makes sense that the Dohanos family probably lived at 211 First Street, next door to the Majesie family. In the 1924 directory, John Doehonos – a relative? –  lived at 211 First Street – so it's a good chance indeed that it's the right address.

And now – courtesy of Dennis Lamont  here's a 1936 aerial view of First Street and North Broadway showing what I believe is the Dohanos house. (Click on it for a larger view.)

Here's a final look at the house as painted by Stevan Dohanos for comparison. It looks like all the elements are there in the photo, including the trees, and even a little shed in the back.

Those first four houses on First Street between Broadway and Washington continued to be listed that way for decades, until the 1947 directory, when 211, 501 and 701 disappeared, torn down by the B&O railroad.

A Final Thought
Hey, remember the little voice in my head that I mentioned in Part 1, telling me where the house was? It had said, "It's on 11th Street."
Maybe the voice wasn't that far off. After all, the house was at 111 Lake – also known later as 211 First (1st) Street. With all those 1's, it was bound to be confused!
Maybe I'll start buying lottery tickets.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed this series! Fun you held back on the results. You did allot of leg work. I think you found it!
