Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goodbye, Cedar Point Paddlewheel Excursions!

This is kind of sad. It's the end of the line for Cedar Point's Paddlewheel Excursions ride. It's being replaced next season by the new attraction Dinosaurs Alive!

You can read the story here on the Sandusky Register website (there's some great comments) and here on the WKYC Cleveland website.

Doggone it, the paddlewheel ride was one that we didn't squeeze in this year, due to rain and exhaustion. Oh well. I'm not too surprised that one of the last old-time 1960's attractions is going away.

See ya, Trapper Dan! Thanks for all the tips about 'trouble up the river' through the years! Dan was talking about moonshiners at the end, but I'm pretty sure it used to be Indians on the warpath back in the 1960's. (I guess it's okay to make fun of trigger-happy hillbillies, as opposed to Native Americans!)

See ya, beavers! Hope you got that tree cut down finally!

Haven't been on the ride for a while? Click here to take the trip one last time.


  1. -Alan, reporting....
    Yep, it was Indians. My favorite part was the Fort firing on us, the (non-existent) cannonballs ba-WOOSHING in the water.

  2. I seem to remember the riverboat captain firing back with capguns. Or is my feeble memory failing me already? Definitely a highlight from my childhood years, the riverboat ride and the train were ALWAYS done at the end of the day and only at dark.
