Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Tivoli Then and Now

Although I found this too late for my Summer Movie Theater posting, here's a great undated photo of the Tivoli Theater from the photo files of the Black River Historical Society.

It's funny that I had a hard time remembering this theater, but when I saw this photo, the memories came flooding back, along with that of the Jupiter store and Kline's next to it. (Ah, Saturday mornings in the mid-1960s... getting dragged around downtown by Mom as she shopped!)

I'm guessing by the looks of the car (along with the re-release dates of Gone With The Wind in 1961, 1967 and 1971) that this photo is from the 1960's or early 1970's. Anyone know for sure?

Here's my 'now' shot of the theater. No wonder this view of the rehabilitated building didn't trigger any memories; it sure is different.


  1. The car is definitely a Buick. I'd say from the grille styling around 1967 or so, so your photo is probably either 1967 or 1971. Don Wozniak

  2. Hi Don!

    Thanks for the help! I'm only good with Olds Cutlasses! (We had one of each (almost) from 1967-1973!

  3. It's -Alan; the machinery seems to no worky again.

    I'd say probably '67; there was a batch of Broadway photos taken in '67-'68 that BRHS has .

  4. The Tivoli was demolished in the 80's and that was a vacant lot until 2002 when the current building was constructed for Ted's Floor Coverings.

    This article confirms the construction date:http://www.morningjournal.com/articles/2008/10/05/news/doc48e847a2ec177974863603.txt


  5. Hello, it's -Alan....

    The Tivoli closed in 1977, and was demolished in 1987; there had been talk of a re-opening under new management, but NSL.

    The Tivoli was owned by the Tender family, the same people who owned the Tower Drive-In.

  6. Journal link no longer works.
    They must of dumped long term storage, as too costly?

  7. I'm bummed that a lot of the links on this blog from the last 5 years are dead links. I used to wonder why website administrators used to post requests to be informed of dead links and now I know what that means!

  8. Just drove down Broadway today. Way different today. Most of the traffic lights are gone. Many buildings still vacant. The under pass just doesn't look right. I hope it comes back to life soon before it becomes a ghost town
