Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cedar Point Then and Now Part 1

Last weekend, I paid a visit to Cedar Point for the first time in probably ten years. My wife's company picnic was held there, and it provided a good excuse (especially the cheap tickets and free eats) to go back and see how the park was doing.

My wife and I kept at least one of the Brady family traditions alive: taking the unmarked 'back way' in to the park, past Weeping Willow trees and all of those expensive homes. (The last time we went, we came in on US 250, to my regret.)

The 'back way' seemed pretty long to me, just like when I was a kid, when my siblings and I were chomping at the bit to get to the Point. But eventually, the Space Spiral loomed into view (at right), and it was just like old times.

Of course, the Cedar Point of my youth is long gone, replaced by one with spectacular thrill rides that appeal to today's kids. The rides that once were very big twenty years ago seem to be largely ignored by much of the guests today, and I found that the lines were short for old favorites such as the Iron Dragon, the Corkscrew, and the Mine Ride.

Unfortunately, one of my favorites and the only ride I wanted to make sure I got on – the Space Spiral – was closed since it rained (another of our Cedar Point family traditions). Oh well.

I did manage to get a couple of 'then and now' shots, though. Here's a vintage postcard of the Pagoda Gift Shop.

And here's my 'now' shot.

Frankly, I was surprised to see that it was still there – with the same name. (I thought for sure it'd be called X-TREME T-SHIRTS or something!)


  1. -Alan here....

    Was Jungle Larry's place still there?

  2. Only in our memories, Alan! There's no trace of it, or the Frontier Trail either.
