Thursday, June 2, 2011

Steuk's Then and Now

The wife and I decided to extend the Memorial Day holiday break a little bit with a few days off this week. Since Wednesday was a beautiful day, we headed out on Route 2 to Vacationland for a pic-a-nic at East Harbor State Park.

On the way out there, I got off the highway to get a quick then-and-now shot of the old Steuk's barn. It's pretty sad to see this. I'm sure many of you who read this blog stopped at Steuk's over the years, or at least saw the complex from Route 2, with its iconic apple.

I don't know what the story is as to why the business closed in 1995, but the whole property has been for sale for a long time.

The 'then' shot is from the vintage postcard website. Here's my 'now' shot from Wednesday (below).

June 1, 2011 view
Once I got home, I dug into my archives and was surprised to see that back in late July 2008, I had snapped a photo of part of the farm market portion (seen in the bottom half of the vintage postcard).

The building shown above, along with its well-known, ever-smiling apple face (below) was demolished a couple of days later.


  1. Our family always stopped at Steuk's on our way to Catawba. We loved the apple fritters, the sweet smell of apples being pressed for cider and the market items! Everytime we pass the billboard, where Steuk's stood, we reminisce and have many happy memories of going there with our Dad! Thanks for the pictures!

  2. oh, nooo.. i was just remembering the smell once i entered the store, and the joy of the fresh cider in paper cups, and the glorious apple fritters.... and, remember the rocking horse?
