Monday, June 27, 2011

Admiral King Tribute Site Flag Raising

On Saturday morning, I stopped down at the new Admiral King Tribute site to watch the flag being raised on the 55th anniversary of Admiral Ernest J. King's passing.

It was a little overcast and windy, but thankfully it didn't rain. My shot (above) of the flagpole and Admiral King's birthplace is from a little later in the day, when the sun came out.

It was a nice flag-raising ceremony, and you couldn't help being choked up a little bit seeing Lorain once again honor its number-one son (especially after the school board stripped his name from the high school last year).

The Morning Journal website has video from the ceremony here.

Here's a few of my shots from the actual flag-raising.

Be sure to read Loraine Ritchey's blog for the story behind the Tribute site, with profiles of the people involved in the creation of it (including Loraine, who I finally got to meet on Saturday!)


  1. thanks for coming - I think I got you confused with someone else though sorry.. my mind is going well pretty much gone some would say I will link in my post so thanks for this Loraine

  2. Congratulations to everyone involed in this endeavor! I look forward to seeing it on my next visit to Lorain.

  3. I think you were standing in front of me over by the car :)

    I wanted to invite you over to the House check out the portrait of Admiral King that was recently found. Maybe you've seen it before or know more about it?

  4. Hi Lisa!

    That's funny! I hope I didn't block your shot!

    As for the King portrait on your website, I remember it well from school.

    But I'm afraid I don't know anything about the artist who painted it! With your permission I'll post the painting here too, sooner or later we'll get an answer, I hope!

    I'm kind of betting it was done in Art Class. Maybe an old yearbook from the years shortly after the high school opened will yield a clue!
