Friday, May 20, 2011

The Miss Victory Mystery

Here's a photo of Miss Victory that appeared in the Lorain Sunday News on Sunday, August 17, 1947. As you can see, the statue was still missing its sword and palm frond.

What's interesting is the fact that the weekly newspaper had no idea how the statue got there or when! Above the photo was the headline "Statue is Mystery" and under it was the following caption:

Faintly reminiscent of the famous Winged Victory of Samothrace, although that poor lady is without a head, this symbolic figure stands in the tiny v-shaped park at the intersection of 5th Street and West Erie avenue. Although inscriptions on the four panels of her base dedicate her to the Lorain men who served in the first World War, who caused the statue to be erected and when it was done seem to be lost in city records. Perhaps some Lorain citizens with a good memory or complete diary will solve the mystery.

The lesson here is that if you're going to erect a monument or memorial, it's a good idea to include a plaque that includes the dedication date, as well as the name of the organization responsible for it! The above incident took place a mere 25 years after the dedication.

Recommended Blog Reading
Be sure to drop by Loraine Ritchey's That Woman's Weblog for her great multi-part comprehensive series on Admiral Ernest J. King, currently underway!

Loraine and the Charleston Village Society are working hard to get the Admiral Ernest J. King birthplace memorial park ship-shape in time for Pride Day. The weather has not cooperated but they are making progress. Don't forget, it's not too late for a donation! Click here for details.

1 comment:

  1. Just amazing that it could be forgotten so quickly!
