Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Deutschof Part 1

On Friday, May 26, 1933 the full-page ad at left appeared in the Lorain Journal and Times-Herald announcing the grand opening of the Deutschof, which would take place the next day. (Click on it so you can read it.)

As you can see from the ad, the Deutschof's name comes not from Germany, but from its manager and host: Joe Deutsch. And it was much more than the mere bar that I originally imagined. Food specialties included broiled chicken, steaks, chops, lobster, fish, roast beef, corned beef and Virginia-baked ham.

What, no sauerbraten?

It also boasted "the best cup of coffee in town" along with homemade pastries.

The ad lists several old-time Lorain companies that had a hand in the Grand Opening or were suppliers for the new business, including the Lorain Creamery and the Lorain Crystal Ice Company.

At that time, the restaurant was located at 571 Broadway. According to the City Directory, the Deutschof moved down the street to 651 Broadway around 1947.

A 1949 newspaper ad (below) shows that the great menu followed the restaurant to its new location.  And, the new digs were not only air-conditoned, but also boasted something new: television to watch the ball games!

Tomorrow: Great Photos and Memories of the Deutschof!


  1. A very nice article. Thanks Dan!

  2. Dan-My daughter came across this article about my grandfather, Joseph Deutsch's bar/restaurant. Do I ever have fond memories of the second location. Since we were sent home for lunch in the 50's, my mom Janet Deutsch Bornstein, would pick me up from Longfellow Elementary and take me to the Deutschof for lunch where my grandmother, Belle Deutsch, who was the cook and baker, would make me a giant plate of either turkey Manhattan or roast beef Manhattan. Each consisted of meat, mashed potatoes, a slice of bread and lots of gravy!!!

    The Deutschof was a lively meeting spot every night and my grandmother's twin brothers were sometimes bar tenders. I was not allowed to go at night. My grandfather died at age 50 on a day that he borrowed a power lawn mower and was cutting the grass at his home. My brother Steven and I found him-collapsed in his rose garden.
