Monday, March 21, 2011

Supermarket Memories

Every Lorain County Baby Boomer remembers being dragged around supermarkets by their mother when they were a kid.

It's funny to think about it now. Back then, it would have been unthinkable for my father to do the grocery shopping. Now, it seems that modern man has regained his role from prehistoric times as the food gatherer, and he does most of the shopping. (I know I do.)

But while growing up, I remember it strictly being Mom's job, and we kids often came along for the ride. Of course, kids need to be bribed to be good, and I remember that we looked forward to the various gumball machines at the store's exit. 

The cereal aisle used to be pretty exciting too. We were a real cereal-eating family, and my mother used to buy at least three or four boxes a week just for us kids. Best of all, she had no problem with buying us the sugary cereals we craved: Cap'n Crunch, Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs, etc. Of course she also bought those most boring (to kids, at least) of cereals: Kellogg's Rice Krispies and Nabisco Spoon-sized Shredded Wheat (which ironically is now my favorite cereal.)

As the years went by, Mom began working full-time, and she couldn't shop for food during the day. Friday night (right after dinner) was when she went, and one of my siblings or I would be enlisted to go with her. Our job was to bring returnable pop bottles back to the store, help with the coupons, pick out some cereal, and unload the groceries from the trunk. As each of us hit high school, however, we would balk at going along (because we'd miss our TV shows) until eventually my younger brother inherited the job for good.

Over the years, there were many grocery stores that Mom patronized, including A&P, Sparkle, Edwards Food Warehouse and one that I never realized was a strictly local chain: Meyer Goldberg.

Stop back here next time for a look at this well-remembered, iconic supermarket that lives on in our Lorain memories. 


  1. What a great post! It takes me back to Friday night at Kroger's...when my mom didn't drive. We had to wait for Dad to come home from work to go to the grocery store.

  2. It seems like I went with Mom during the A&P era. The biggest change (aside from the poorly lit store) is that back then the cashiers really had to demonstrate a skill! I remember Mom proofreading yards of cash register tape checking for errors, and very rarely finding any. And of course, unlike now, the item wasn't identified on the tape, so it was that much harder.

  3. Grocery shopping isn't as much fun as it was then, for's to the fallen-


    Three cheers for FLIGNER'S!
