Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New use for the old Carnegie Library?

The former Lorain Public Library in Streator Park (shown at left in a vintage postcard) may have a new lease on life – literally.

Last month, the city of Lorain began exploring the possibility of selling off or leasing some city park land and buildings to non-city entities. And that includes the building at left, located at Streator Place and Long Avenue.

How the city hopes to do it legally was explained here.

I've mentioned this building in this blog before. I sketched it back in 1974 for my high school art class (which I told you about here.)

What I didn't tell you about – yet – was my detective work a few years ago in which I tried to determine where the long-gone fountain and the lagoon in Streator Park were located, so I could grab some then-and-now shots. And I'll do that next time.

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