Wednesday, March 23, 2011

End of Winter Swift Mansion Shots

Since it was kind of sunny this past Saturday, and I've been itching to go out and take some pictures, I headed out to Brownhelm Township over the weekend to drive down Gore Orphanage Road and tromp around the Swift Mansion ruins a bit (even though it's not Halloween). Surprisingly, there were parked cars all over the place from the 'haunted' bridge all the way to the ruins.

I've been trying to get a then-and-now shot of the Swift Mansion location for a while, showing the remaining gate post (or whatever it is) in both shots. (I'm assuming that it hasn't been moved.) I admittedly don't know enough about the position of the house on the property to know if it can even be done.

This end-of-winter/early spring period is perfect, because there aren't any leaves or brush to hide the post. So this is the shot I came up with, assuming that the post is the same as in the vintage photo.

If you click on the photo, you can see the gate post clearly; it has a greenish cast to it.

I also saw something that I've never noticed before: part of the ruins fairly close to the road. It was a square chunk, perhaps the base of something.

You can see the gate post in the background.

If any of you out there are familiar with these ruins and can shed some light on this for me, be sure to leave a comment.


  1. While the Gore Orphanage legend itself is false, I can personally attest to unusual occurrences in the area around the Swift Mansion site, and the surrounding countryside.

  2. When I was out there this fall, I couldn't find the gatepost. I had remembered it being closer to the path.
    Now that the area belongs to the Metroparks, there's always folks down there.

  3. Here's a little history from ForgottenOH. I hope this helps (I just stumbled across your website today... as an Amherst native with a good portion of my family from Lorain, this is very intriguing!)

    I know I've seen more on the Swift Mansion, I'll try and dig around and see what I find for you.
