Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Carnegie Library Dedication Front Pages

I almost forgot I had these!  Fellow blogger and local history expert Loraine Ritchey and I had traded a few emails about the history of the library building itself, and I realized that I had neglected to do enough research.

So I went back to the library and retrieved these library dedication front pages for some more information.

Here's the one from the Lorain Daily News.

And here's the one from the Lorain Times-Herald. Click on each so you can read it! (Sorry some of it is cut off!)

I also have to point out that the dedication date is May 20, 1904 and not May 30 as listed in various Lorain history chronologies. The date is correct on the official Lorain Public Library history website, which you can find here – check it out! (No pun intended!)


  1. How terrific the "Temple of Literature" so imposing - what a waste when we throw away culture for progress???????????

  2. Oh and hardly an expert -- not at all actually-- I rely on BRHS and Dennis and Jim and Renee and Diane and Daniel.... to bring me the stories and Lorain has some wonderful stories- The story of The Leo and of Captain Wilford are stuff of which movies could be made.
