Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1924 Avon Lake Power Plant Rendering

I found this newspaper clipping while looking at microfilm in the library recently, and seeing as I pretty much ignore Avon Lake in this supposed Lorain County blog, I thought I'd put it up here.

The photo appeared on the front page of the Lorain Journal on Saturday, December 6, 1924, under the heading $30,000,000 AVON PLANT IS SUPER-POWER PROJECT.

The photo caption read, "The Lorain Journal hereby presents to its readers the architect's drawing of the giant super-power station which the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company is to build at Avon. Inset, Harrison Williams."

Here's my recent shot. The sheer size of the plant makes it hard to photograph. It looks like they pretty much stuck to the architect's vision.

It sure didn't take long to build the plant. It was fired up on August 4, 1926.
It's interesting that the plant was built so close to the road (as opposed to Lorain's recently demolished FirstEnergy Edgewater plant). It's still pretty impressive to me whenever I drive by it.

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