Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Victory Park in Winter

For my out-of-town readers, this was the scene in Lorain this past Sunday. As you can see, it's been a rough winter this year.

If something in this picture of Victory Park looks different to you, there's a good reason. The shrubs and brush at the back of the park were removed last fall, exposing the neighboring building.

Quite a different weather scene than last June (below)!

Incidentally, watch for my special blog series on the history of Victory Park in early April. The park's been there since 1922, and the hoopla around its unveiling that year is well-documented and worth revisiting.


  1. Not only the brush but an abandoned house was removed. It was a real eyesore and no real loss


  2. Hi Dennis!

    I'm glad you remembered the abandoned house! I had forgotten all about it. At least the park is a little bit bigger.

    I've been trying to find documentation as to when the V was installed--try as I might, I have never found it yet, and it wasn't there originally. Several people at the Black River Historical Society and the Elks Club remember it as being after World War II.

  3. I and two friends lived on the first floor of that house from early 1985 'til summer of '86; we watched "Hands Across America" go by across the street, and I went over and joined them for a minute.

  4. AHA

  5. That particular "V" is not the original, which was plowed under by a car in the early 60's.
