Friday, January 28, 2011

The Roundhouse on E. 36th Street: Then & Now

A few months ago, I received a nice email from a reader named Tom, who recently moved back to the area and was rediscovering some of the area's delights, such as Yala's Pizza. Tom was also interested in any old photos or information about the old B&O Roundhouse that was on E. 36th Street.

Unfortunately, trains are such a specialized area of interest that I have never really been able to focus on them. I was only able to produce the 1936 Roundhouse photo (above) found in the Lorain Images of America book put out by the Black River Historical Society. According to the book, it was built after a fire destroyed the old one in 1904.

Hopefully some more photos or information about the Roundhouse will surface for Tom.

What was surprising to me was that the ghost imprint of the long-gone Roundhouse is still visible in the current aerial view of the area (below), courtesy of the bing™ search engine. (Give it a click for a larger view.)

1 comment:

  1. There had been a roundhouse behind where we lived on Elyria burned down, I think, in 1962.
